When: 6th Feb Sun: 630pm-745pm
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Communication is the art of being sensitive and sensible at the same time.
When the heart speaks and the heart listens, harmony is produced.
Real Communication is beyond Words.
If you are firmly established in the zone of silence, if your mind is calm, you will find yourself suddenly being able to influence individuals, groups, and masses.
We need to establish communication on three levels – communication with oneself, communication with society, and communication with nature
Why public speaking is important?
Why people fail with public speaking?
Hidden benefits of public speaking which most people ignore
3 secrets to master public speaking
SECRET #1: Discovering & Owning Your Identity
SECRET #2: Re-igniting Intensity
SECRET #3: Unagi
And much more......
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Dealing with comparisons & complexes
How to learn from, and follow people- without becoming a "clone"
5 steps to discovering your identity
Goal setting process for public speaking
Truth about why people lack fire & intensity
How to fuel the fire
Developing bullet proof confidence
How to convince any crowd with conviction
The Science of Unshakability
Secrets to achieving laser sharp focus
The Art of Counter Attack
What I learned from Sri Sri about getting a crowd from chaos to harmony
Phases of growth- Journey from Newbie to Mastery, and beyond...
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