After transforming 1000s of people with the gift of meditation, Saleel Pulekar reveals:
using SLEEP SECRETs he discovered after lots of research, that took him from struggling to sleep before 2AM, waking up tired & exhausted every morning- to having the DEEPEST & PEACEFUL SLEEP every night- and waking up in the morning with a glowing face :)
For TODAY- you can signup for this workshop for a price less than a teenager’s weekly pocket money(plus- some free gifts too!- read further)
From: Saleel Pulekar- Full time Art of Living Faculty, Corporate Trainer, Youth Mentor & Life Coach
Place: Bangalore
Dear Friend,
This page and my upcoming workshop can be life changing for you.
I’ve impacted tens of thousands of people globally through teaching meditation & various programs.
But, If there’s ONE THING I wish I learned earlier in my life, it would be-
how sleep impacts quality of life, and how to actually get a deep sleep every night.
There’s a lot of information online about sleep.
I simply want to share with you my personal journey. Hopefully, as you finish reading this page…
you’ll get a lot of realisations, and you’ll be more interested in my upcoming workshop- the goal of which is,
=> to get you to sleep better and help you achieve massive levels of quality and success in your career, health & relationships!
Let’s begin…
I had everything in life, except…
I’ve been blessed, to have the best career I could ever imagine-
teaching people meditation, helping people transform.
And of course, being a corporate trainer as well. Life was great, with my lovely wife Ila.
But something was missing.
I was eating well, super regular with meditation, yoga, working out etc…
…I’ve been called as a ‘powerhouse of energy’ in the ‘Art Of Living’ community :)
But deep inside I wasn’t satisfied with my sleep
Falling asleep before 1-2AM was a BIG CHALLENGE…
I used to give excuses like:
• I’m busy
• I have work & responsibilities
• Its okay to compromises on sleep if I’m making progress
One way or the other, I just couldn’t sleep.
I’ve heard a lot about benefits of sleeping early etc- sure, but putting it into actual practice was a BIG CHALLENGE…
…and of course, the phone, social media etc kept me busy!
I know, its hard to get over these habits :)
I want you to know that I’ve been there- and I’ve overcome all this…
But that’s not all, haha
I used to wake up like this:
The sleep was disturbed,
I used to wake up multiple times during the night…
I didn’t feel that great in the mornings! I remember those childhood moments when I used to get a peaceful, quality sleep- that was missing in my life.
Some mornings, I even felt exhausted & drained!
I read research material, consulted experts & spoke with my doctor friends, only to find out that…
…sleep deprivation has so many harmful effects
hampers success in job or business
• poor workplace performance
• Reduced productivity
• more procrastination
• low creativity, concentration
• impaired judgement
Decreases happiness…
• Causes mood-swings
• Makes you irritable
• Increases stress & anxiety
• Increases cravings for sugar & all that unhealthy food you tried staying away from…
risk of diseases & weight gain
• Increased chances of heart disease
• Affects releases of insulin, so increases risk of diabetes
• high blood pressure
Decreases IMMUNITY
• makes you more prone to viruses like Covid & Omicron
• Weakens immune system
and then, I made a decision…
I thought to myself even after realising all this…
I would be a FOOL if I don’t learn how to fix my sleep! That’s when my research began.
I started digging deep into the subject of sleep, read a lot of books, took a lot of courses, read a lot about it…
I became obsessed with this topic! what happened next- just blew my mind away!
I discovered SECRETs of sleep which I never learned in school/college!
Sleep was a topic that no one talked about…
Even though it's such an important aspect of our lives, I did not really learn much about it in school/college etc.
Doctors also never emphasised on it!
When I dug deep into this topic, I discovered a few secrets about sleep…
…that were LITTLE KNOWN to most people!
I read stories of some people who applied these secrets, and how their lives just got transformed. Apparently,
these SECRETS of sleep made a HUGE impact in people’s quality of sleep and how they woke up every morning :)
and WOW- such unbelievable results…
right after I applied these secrets into my lifestyle,
I found myself:
• sleeping quicker than I ever imagined possible
• really, really, really deep sleep
• Freshness & a JOLT of energy in morning- just like childhood days!
and WOW- such unbelievable results…
I started waking up like this, LOL:
“undisturbed sleep & fresh mornings”
said Bijoy, a student who used to Binge watch on Netflix and used to wake up tired & guilty in the mornings.
“struggled with sleep for 17 years- finally ended” -
said Suri, a senior management professional who tried lots of things like NLP, hypnotherapy etc, nothing worked. After using Saleel’s techniques, he said
I’m the happiest man now!
“busy & hectic schedule, but I sleep peacefully now”
said Navya, a nutritionist who used to compromise on sleep coz of managing studies & job at the same time. She’s no more angry & irritable- but much happier! :)
“Insomnia- gone in 15 mins”
said Sandhya, an IT Team lead who was hesitant towards joining the workshop. But she learned a simple technique that allowed her to sleep within 15 mins! She LOVED it!
and now, its YOUR time (to sleep peacefully- FINALLY)
its results like above, and the happy smiling faces of people that make me the MOST happy.
having discovered these secrets, I don't want to keep them just to myself.
I want to spread it further!
Which is why: its my MISSION to help 1,00,000+ people sleep better the material needs to be presented in a workshop
because it’ll take me some time to explain this to you, plus help you get immediate results with my proven tools & techniques.
and I wanted to keep it at such an affordable price that no one should have to even 2nd guess before making a decision!
PRESENTING: Sleep Like a Baby Workshop
Why Should You Join?
How to Fall Asleep In 3 mins of getting into bed
How to Get Quality Sleep
How to get Uninterrupted Sleep
How to get sleep that heals your health & body
How to get sleep that recharges your energy
Here's what you'll learn in 3 days:
Day #1- Learning what school never taught you about sleep
Increasing your commitment to sleep
5 reasons of poor sleep
3 physical aspects of your body, that affect sleep
4 aspects of your mind that affect sleep
7 emotions that stop you from sleeping
5 tips to starting sleeping well immediately
Day #2- getting into action
how to hijack your brain to sleep
hacking your environment for better sleep
7 minutes body preparation yoga
7 minutes breathing exercise
7 minutes organ relaxation ritual
Day #3- Building a solid foundation- deep sleep for your entire life
billionaire’s secret of sleep, success & life…
5 phases of sleep
3 secrets of long term deep sleep
Next Workshop Date:
FREE Bonuses- Only For TODAY!
a. Create a Sleep Haven
b. Sleep Drinks Recipe book
c. 12 Powerful Sleep Hacks
d. Science of Sleep
e. Sleep Motivation Quotes
a. Quick Fix Techniques to destress the joints in the body
b. Proper conditioning of the body and mind is pivotal for a sound sleep.
c. Simple stretches recommended by Experts to Relax the Muscles.
a. Healing Mudras based on ancient Vedic wisdom to soothe the nervous system
b. Our breath is the connecting link between the body and the mind.
c. A powerful combination of simple breathing techniques recommended by doctors and the ancient Rishis, which help to harmonise the body and declutter the mind.
a. Ensures that every organ of the body gets the deep rest it deserves after a long, hard day.
c. The perfect recipe for a miraculously healing and rejuvenating sleep.
Sleep Like A Baby Workshop
Rs 999
Bonus #1- Sleep Handbook
Rs 250
Bonus #2- Sleep Yoga Seq Audio
Rs 250
Bonus #3- Breathing Seq Audio
Rs 250
Bonus #4- Body Relaxation Seq
Rs 250
its totally to okay to have doubts :)
After applying this knowledge on myself and teaching this to 100s of students, I’ve seen it all.
We’ve got students who came from:
• stress & anxiety issues - that were preventing people from sleeping on time or getting disturbed sleep.
• irregular/busy routines - no proper sleep schedule or being busy with work.
• commitments - like family responsibilities, which stop people from sleeping on time.
• habits - like TV addiction, caffeine/nicotine habits that hamper people’s sleep and with our special concepts & techniques- we’ve helped them SLEEP PEACEFULLY & gain back total control over it!
So YES, this will work for you!
Get this amazing offer today for just Rs199, and get a 30-day money-back guarantee. Join today, go through our program during the next 30 days, and if you don't like it for any reason, simply send us an email and we'll send refund you every penny – no questions asked!
Tony Robbins says – it is in the moment of decision that our destiny is shaped!
My question is- what FUTURE are you creating?
1. How will I get the workshop links?
Once you register, you’ll be added to our WhatsApp group and it’ll be shared there. We’ll also email you
2. Will this workshop be recorded, in case I miss it?
Yes, we can share with you the recording, but only for 24 HOURS after workshop. eg- if you miss Day #2, we’ll give you Day #2 recording for 24 hours, to watch it.
3. What if I have questions or need additional help?
This is the LIVE workshop, you can can questions.
4. How will I get the bonuses?
We’ll email you, and also share them in our WhatsApp group during the workshop, one at a time
5. What is the VIP Ticket?
The VIP ticket gives you access to the recordings even after 72 hours of workshop getting over. Click the payment button and you’ll learn more about the VIP ticket also. There’s also a bonus gift with VIP ticket